The Stanley Ohana

Ohana means family...and family means nobody gets left behind.. or forgotten." -Lilo and Stitch

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hi there! Here are the pics I was going to post this weekend. Saturday we decorated our tree and then went to the pool. As they say here, "Lucky you live Hawaii!!"
Today Kenzie and I stayed home sick. I have a slight sore throat and sneezing and could have made it through the day but Kenzie coughed all day yesterday and spent from 3am-4:30am coughing so I thought it would be best not to have her at school. Of course, I hardly heard a cough out of her all day. We played playdough, colored, and watched High School Musical. :)
Anyway, we should both be going back tomorrow.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A Minor Accident...

Well, I had some good pictures to post about our day Saturday, but this incident Sunday afternoon gets the spot on the blog. Apparently Mason left open the glass door on the TV cabinet and Kenzie didn't see it and ran right into (through) it. We didn't really see it happen (I was laying on the couch trying to take a nap) but it looks like it got pushed so hard the wrong way that it just shattered. There was Kenzie sitting in a pile of glass with this shocked look on her face. Bob picked her up and we realized she was bleeding from her hand, knee, leg and feet. She doesn't handle blood well so there were lots of tears! Luckily none of the cuts were deep and were all patched up just fine with bandaids.
Right away Bob said, "Stacy would blog this!" and I knew I had to. (For those who don't know, Stacy is my cousin who always has an interesting blog! )
We are also CSI fans, which is why I used to ruler to photograph the blood stained carpet. It's evidence!
Anyway, Kenzie is fine and Mason is over blaming himself. He was crying because he left the door open. He said it was his fault.
I'm sure we will go through a whole box of bandaids in the next couple of days because you know any little tiny scratch needs a bandaid. :)
I'll post the Saturday pictures on a slow day. :)
Have a great Monday everyone!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I'm sure you all are in bed as we are just winding down our evening. :)
We had a great day with our good friends Jim, Lora and Chloe. Lora makes this amazing sweet-potato cassarole! Ummmm! Last year Lora and I went to Kmart after our big meal so we decided to make it a tradition and go again this year. It wasn't too crowded by the time we went and I got some Christmas shopping done.
I am so thankful for all of you, our family and friends. We wish we could be closer and see you all more often but thank God everyday for the blessings he has given us here. God is Good!
Above is a picture of Kenzie and a couple of her friends yesterday at school. Aren't they adorable!
We pray you all have a great weekend! God Bless!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Hey All!

I feel like I kind of cheated you last post because I didn't have any pictures, so here's a few. :)
Tonight we were getting ready for American Christian Heritage Day, which is tomorrow at school. Our school uses the Principle Approach which is an approach that teaches Godly principles for each subject. Another unique thing about it is the way we teach history as His-Story (God's story), as in learning about God's providence in every aspect of history. So, we look at the Pilgrims journey and the later founding of America from the perspective that God's hand was in it and He had a plan for our nation from the beginning. It's really facinating to see how God orchestrated each step of their journey and how it has influenced the principles our country was founded upon.
Anyway, I sound like I'm writing a book! I could go on about the new perspective I've gained over the last few months and even the things I've learned about the Pilgrims while preparing for Am. Heritage Day. My third graders are focusing on the Pilgrims reason for leaving England, their time living in Holland (did you know they lived there 11 years before coming to America!) and their trip on the Mayflower. Each of them will be assigned a real name of one of the children on the Mayflower and we are making models of the ship. It should be a fun day! I'll try and remember to take some pictures.
Kenzie's got to choose whether to be a Pilgrim or and Indian. Of course she chose to be an Indian. I'll take some pictures of her in her costume tomorrow too.
Well, gotta iron some clothes before going to bed. Hope I didn't bore you with my American History lesson. :)
By the way, the night before last Kenzie was impressing us with her ability to balance money. (Think she can get on that talent show for that??)

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Aloha All!

We have had a very nice weekend. Some friends of ours kept Mason and Mackenzie overnight Friday night until about 2:00 this afternoon (Sat). We watch their kids every Thursday evening so they wanted to return the favor.
Bob and I went to Haleiwa Joe's on the North Shore. I had the best baked Mahi-Mahi. Bob's not a big fan of fish and he actually said it was better than his steak! We walked around the little town for a little bit and got some coffee. It was so nice not having to check our watches to make sure we were home at a decent time. (Let alone calculating the babysitting at $6.00 an hour!)
This morning we went to breakfast at a little place on base right next to the harbor. It was nice to have uninterrupted conversation!
Anyway, we were happy to see the kids and they had a great time with their friends. They are sleeping pretty heavy now!
That's about it for me. Have a blessed Sunday!
(Sorry no pictures today.)

Friday, November 10, 2006

"You don't need a licence to drive a sandwich"

Today was the "Best Day Ever", at least according to Nickelodeon. They played 24 hours of Spongebob episodes. We are big fans of Spongebob here at the Stanley household, but don't worry we didn't watch that much TV. It was the only channel on today but the kids did spend a lot of time outside too. :)
Other than that it was a pretty uneventful day. We were all off school and work and except for some errands that I ran, we pretty much all stayed home and relaxed. Not sure what we are going to do tomorrow, maybe the beach or some other fun activity if it's nice out.
Happy Veteran's Day!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Better late than never...

Well, we went to "Hallelujah Night" at church for Halloween. The way our church does it is that one of the parking lots is turned into a carnival with tons of game booths that the kids go around and play. The first and third grade did a ring toss booth, so that's where I spent my whole time. Whether they win or not each kids gets a handful of candy at each booth plus they get a free hot dog, chips and shave ice. The kids had a blast! Daddy took them around to each of the booths. There had to have been over 1,000 kids there. It was so busy!
We forgot to take the camera with us which is why I have so few pictures. The top one was actually from a party we went to the weekend before. Mason wore his knight costume. (he's the one in black) I'm not sure what's going on with the mean, sassy cowgirl!
Anyway, we had a good time but were sooooo tired the next day. Between that and parent/teacher conferences this week I was so ready for Friday!
Have a great weekend, everybody!