The Stanley Ohana

Ohana means family...and family means nobody gets left behind.. or forgotten." -Lilo and Stitch

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Mom Song

You have probably seen this video before but it fits my mood today! As I write this there is a drama queen flinging herself down the hallway. She just said to me, "I want a mom that lets me do whatever I want." Sorry kido, not gonna happen!
Speaking of things my kids say. Here are a few I've heard lately:
Kenzie--"SpongeBob must be related to us because he has blue eyes." (I hope not but wouldn't be surprised!) :)
Mason--after earning 10 minutes of reading in bed for obeying right away, Mason-"Can I dedicate my time to someone else?" Me-"Ummm, that depends on who you want to dedicate it to?" Mason-"Kenzie, so that she'll stop whining." Me-"That's very sweet but she needs to learn her lesson."
And, before you get the idea that he is always like that, let me inform you that his new favorite word is "poop". He uses this unpleasant word in various contexts such as, "What's for dessert?" "poop". You get the picture! Uggg, that must be his father's DNA! :)
So,I did an experiment tonight too. I asked the kids to clean up the living room. Apparently I didn't speak loud enough because they went right on playing. So, I tried again, "Clean up the living room." in a slightly louder voice. Still nothing! I had this fear that maybe my kids were going deaf, or I was losing my voice. Bob said he could hear me, so then I said to him, "I put the toys I bought at Toys R Us in the laundry room." All of a sudden they stopped playing and went running to the laundry room. As you can see, they have developed selective hearing at a very young age. (Must be their father's DNA again!) Don't worry, I did find a solution and they did clean the living room. I think my solution started with, "If you don't start cleaning right now......"
Well, I've gone on long enough now that my angels are fast asleep in their beds. Don't kids look so sweet and innocent when they're sleeping? :)
By the way, Happy President's Day! :)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Aloha everyone! Happy President's Day weekend. Isn't it great to have a three day weekend. :) 
Sorry I've been so behind on the blog. I guess we've just been really busy. 
Tonight we went to see Jana Alayra in concert at our church. She sings really fun kids songs with hand motions. ( We had such a great time! We ended up taking 5 kids with us and they each got to get an autograph. I went out to the table to buy a CD and photos during the last song and lo and behold, just as I finished paying Jana came out to the foyer to start signing autographs, so my crew started the line. It worked out perfect! 
Anyway, we don't have too much else planned this weekend except maybe some house cleaning. Yea, my favorite thing! :) 
Have a great weekend!