The Stanley Ohana

Ohana means family...and family means nobody gets left behind.. or forgotten." -Lilo and Stitch

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Hey All!

I feel like I kind of cheated you last post because I didn't have any pictures, so here's a few. :)
Tonight we were getting ready for American Christian Heritage Day, which is tomorrow at school. Our school uses the Principle Approach which is an approach that teaches Godly principles for each subject. Another unique thing about it is the way we teach history as His-Story (God's story), as in learning about God's providence in every aspect of history. So, we look at the Pilgrims journey and the later founding of America from the perspective that God's hand was in it and He had a plan for our nation from the beginning. It's really facinating to see how God orchestrated each step of their journey and how it has influenced the principles our country was founded upon.
Anyway, I sound like I'm writing a book! I could go on about the new perspective I've gained over the last few months and even the things I've learned about the Pilgrims while preparing for Am. Heritage Day. My third graders are focusing on the Pilgrims reason for leaving England, their time living in Holland (did you know they lived there 11 years before coming to America!) and their trip on the Mayflower. Each of them will be assigned a real name of one of the children on the Mayflower and we are making models of the ship. It should be a fun day! I'll try and remember to take some pictures.
Kenzie's got to choose whether to be a Pilgrim or and Indian. Of course she chose to be an Indian. I'll take some pictures of her in her costume tomorrow too.
Well, gotta iron some clothes before going to bed. Hope I didn't bore you with my American History lesson. :)
By the way, the night before last Kenzie was impressing us with her ability to balance money. (Think she can get on that talent show for that??)


  • At 5:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Those are the cutest blonde indians I have seen, hope you have a great time. The History lesson is very interesting, it is good to know what our heritage is grounded on, and I hope as a nation we never lose sight of that. have a great Thanksgiving!!

  • At 4:49 PM , Blogger dave and sarah said...

    I loved the lesson too. I could definately brush up on my American His Story. The picture is cute and the two of them look SO much alike in it. Hope you guys had a fabulous Thanksgiving.


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