The Stanley Ohana

Ohana means family...and family means nobody gets left behind.. or forgotten." -Lilo and Stitch

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Day!

We had a great day and even made it over to my parent's house, despite a blizzard! You know when you've missed out on family gatherings for 6 years, you'll do about anything to be there. I have more pictures from mom and dad's house but they are on my camera, which I left at Bill and Tina's today. (I have some great pictures from our time over there too. I'll post them later.)

Christmas Eve the kids got to open one present. They opened "bendaroos". This is Kenzie's bendaroo creation.

5:34am was the time we FINISHED opening presents. The kids woke us up at 4:45am! I was sure they'd get really tired later on, but they did amazingly well and lasted until 10:00 that night without a nap.


Wii games.
We took the Petz sports game over to my parents house and the adults had so much fun adopting dogs and racing them. Between Toto, Rowdy, Jack, and Kevin, Jack came out as the overall winner. (Jack was Bob's dog) It's really just a matter of who can shake the wii remote the hardest and longest. My arm is actually sore today! (That's a little embarrassing to admit) :)
And, this is what we braved to get over to my parent's house. Luckily they live pretty close. The snowplow drove in front of our house just as we were getting into the car and we followed another one on Highway 370. We took that as a sign that we were doing the right thing by venturing out. :)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Ok, since everyone else is making me look bad, I guess I better blog! :)
Merry Christmas! We are more than excited about Christmas around here. It's even more exciting this year because it's the first time in 6 years that we've spent this season with family. We are Lovin' it!
So, here are just a few pictures from the past few weeks.
Enjoy and Have a Blessed Christmas!

Our real tree. I wasn't sure I liked it when it was bare, but now I love it.

Today was the first day off school for Christmas break. I tried to convince the kids that we were late for school when they woke up this morning, but they weren't having it. We made "tortilla snowflakes" this morning. Fun and yummy!

Of course my "Hawaii kids" are LOVING the snow! They go outside to play in it everyday, sometimes 2-3 times each day. Even when it was bitterly cold they begged and begged to go outside.

Yesterday we took some family pictures outside Mom and Dad's house. Thank Dad for being our "papa-razzi" . :) In June we took family pictures on the beach, so this is our contrast. Mason was freezing and hungry but we got it done.

Pyle family Christmas, which took place the day after Thanksgiving. It was so fun spending time will all you guys again. Kenzie spent the entire weekend following Ellie around, probably driving her crazy! (Ellie, are you sure you don't want us to send Kenzie to you for the summer?!)