The Stanley Ohana

Ohana means family...and family means nobody gets left behind.. or forgotten." -Lilo and Stitch

Monday, October 29, 2007

Pumpkin Carving

Here are some pictures from our fun-filled pumpkin carving party with my friend Karen, her two kids Joey and Jennifer, and Nana (Joey and Jennifer's grandma from Arizona). We had a fun time. You'll probably notice that here in Hawaii we carve pumpkins inside the house where it is nice and air-conditioned and we put the pulp (or "yolk" as Mason kept calling it) in sand buckets. :)
We had a really fun time. Mason was the only kid not completely grossed out by the insides. He did a great job cleaning out and carving his pumpkin.
After we were done carving, Karen made a delicious dinner! It was a fun night! The kids were still talking about it on the way to school this morning.
On Wednesday we have swimming lessons and then we'll go back to school for the annual "Hallelujah Night". Our church does a big (HUGE actually) halloween alternative with games, free food and WAY TOO MUCH candy! I think last year over 3,000 people came. I am running a tic-tac-toe game booth. That night combined with parent-teacher conferences will make for a very busy and very tiring week. How soon until Friday?!?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Saturday we went with my friend Karen and her two kids, Joey and Jennifer to the Pumpkin Patch. Karen's husband is out on his submarine right now, so Bob was the lone adult man on the trip.
We took the hay ride out to the field and each picked out our pumpkin. The two five year olds (Kenzie and Joey) seemed to have the most indecision when it came to picking just the right one. Kenzie had been out there a couple of weeks ago with preschool and got a small, orange pumpkin, so this time she wanted a white one.
We had a really good time but there is just something not right about picking pumpkins in 85 degree weather! We were all sweating and very hot. I miss the crisp fall weather, the leaves changing, and the hot apple cider.
Have a great week, everybody!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Vintage movie weekend....

So, a couple of weeks ago Mason got a new Playstation game called Lego Star Wars. It's actually pretty funny because they have all the scenes from the original Star Wars but the characters are all legos. Anyway, he LOVES it and him and Bob play it a lot (probably too much!)
Anyway, because of this, on Friday night we pulled out the original series and watched V and VI (I think, honestly I wasn't paying much attention to the movie and Kenzie and I ended up falling asleep!) Even though Kenzie fell asleep, she truly likes Star Wars and has a crush on Luke Skywalker. She calls him her boyfriend!

Well, I decided that since Mackenzie loves High School Musical she might enjoy other classic musicals. I was so excited for her to see Annie. It has it all, singing, dancing, and Sandy the dog. I thought she'd love it. Well, it held both kids attention until Daddy Warbucks took Annie to the movie. I guess at that point that was all the singing and dancing that a 5 yr old and 7 yr old can handle. One of them said to the other, "Want to go play?" and that was the end of family musical night! Oh well, Bob and I enjoyed the rest of it. (Bob may have been pretending to enjoy it just so that I wouldn't feel too bad!) I'm still singing "Tomorrow" in my head.
Maybe next weekend we'll watch "The Sound of Music".........

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

We got this in an email from Bob's brother. I thought it was pretty funny!