The Stanley Ohana

Ohana means family...and family means nobody gets left behind.. or forgotten." -Lilo and Stitch

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My camoflauge kids!
Mom's little helper doing dishes.

Mason playing ball with Dad.

Just a few recent pictures for you. We are all staying busy with school and work. I don't really have much else to say tonight. Enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Hi there, everyone! We successfully completed our first full week of school. The house cleaning and laundry suffered a bit, but we all did just fine! :)
We had Back to School Night on Monday. I met the parents of my third graders and Bob got to meet Mason and Mackenzie's teachers. The rest of the week was pretty normal and we have absolutely no plans for the weekend except cleaning and homework for both Mason and I. Even Kenzie has a project that needs to be done. They traced her body on a big sheet of paper and we're supposed to "decorate" it. I think I'll hand that project over to Bob! :)
Here are a few pictures from last weekend. Mason spend the night with a friend, so the next morning Kenzie and I had a girls day out at "Pigtails and Crewcuts" a little salon for kids. She got her nails done, her hair braided, and even make-up. It was pretty fun!
Anyway, have a great weekend!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Our first day of school was Wednesday. As you can see, once we got to school I didn't get anymore pictures taken. Between getting both kids and all their supplies to the correct classrooms AND meeting my new students and their parents I didn't have a chance to even think about more pictures. :)

Mackenzie is in a new pre-K class with a new teacher, but everything else about school is very familiar. Many of the same friends are in her class, including her "best friend" Kalinoah. She also was already familiar with her teachers.

Mason has a teacher that is brand new to our school. She is very nice and he likes her. His class only has 2 new students. The rest were with him last year.

I am still teaching third grade but that's about the only thing that is the same for me. I have a new classroom and of course a new group of students. This year I have only 18 students, which is very nice! I was relieved Wednesday when i found out that one of the identical triplets in my class got glasses. :) At least it helps me out a bit to tell them apart! The other two have slighly different bangs, so as long as they don't get matching haircuts I should be OK. I also have a set of twins, a boy and a girl.

We only had two days of school this week because today (Fri.) is a holiday, the day Hawaii became a state. (By the way Dad, it was 1959. I had to look it up!)

Next week we'll be into the routine full swing! I think it's going to be a great school year.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

No sign of Flossie yet!

70 bottles of water, 40 capri-sun drinks 12 quarts of Soy Milk, 1 giant box of goldfish, 12 D batteries, 12 C batteries, a radio, 4 flashlights, a lantern and bright sunny skies!! But, nothing like being prepared for a hurricane!

So far on the Island of Oahu we are not noticing any signs of a storm. It's a bit windy today but the skies are clear and the sun is shining.

Flossie is supposed to continue to weaken and probably won't affect us too much except for some wind and maybe rain.

Continue to pray that it doesn't shift our way. :)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Apparently we have a catagory 4 hurricane heading toward the Islands. I didn't even know about it until yesterday, but am casually now watching the headlines. It's supposed to weaken before it gets near us so I don't think we're going to be affected at all. Tomorrow I'll go get some bottled water and some food. I've been so busy lately that it's pretty slim pickings in our kitchen right now! We'd be in trouble if we were stuck in our house without electricity.
Other than that we are just getting back into the routine of getting up early each morning. My classroom is coming together well and I'm almost ready for kids to arrive on Wednesday.
I haven't taken any new pictures in a while. Sorry! Of course we'll take some on the first day of school.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

The End of Summer.....

Well, in two more days my summer will officially be over. I go back to school this Wednesday, and the kids will go back the next Wednesday. During the school year I sometimes envy the freedom that people in "other" jobs have. Like, the ability to go out for lunch (we only get 20-40 minutes for lunch), their own office, not having to take stacks of papers home EVERY night, and the freedom to go to the bathroom whenever they feel like it (you can't just leave 20 third graders alone, even if it is for 2 minutes!)

However, it is all worth it to enjoy 8-10 weeks of vacation every summer! I have LOVED spending this summer traveling, going to the beach, and being lazy! The kids and I have had a lot of fun, especially being in Nebraska and then having Katie in Hawaii for two weeks.

And, maybe you have to be a teacher to appreciate this, but there is nothing like shopping for school supplies! I loved it when I was a kid and I still love it. I am looking forward to the newness of the school year and meeting my new students. I even have a theme for my classroom this year, something I've never done before.

Well, enough talk. Here are a few more pictures of our summer. Have a great week!.

Thursday, August 02, 2007



Today was supposed to be a sad day for us, Katie's last day. But, thanks to unexplained airplane delays she is with us another 24 hrs! YEA!!

We got to the airport, stood in line almost 2 hrs, and she was given the option to fly out at 1:00am or re-book for the next day. She chose to stay, instead of flying out in the middle of the night! I'm not sure what we're going to do tomorrow since she's already packed and doesn't leave until 5:20pm.

By the way, we saw an incredibly beautiful rainbow to top off the bonus day! :)