The Stanley Ohana

Ohana means family...and family means nobody gets left behind.. or forgotten." -Lilo and Stitch

Saturday, November 24, 2007

A Wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

Happy Belated Thanksgiving everyone! We had a great day. Our good friends the Cochruns and the Kemps came over for Thanksgiving. Chris and Karen brought an oven roasted turkey AND Chris brought his fryer and we had a delicious fried turkey too along with all the regular ono (hawaiian word for delicious) food. We had 6 kids ages 7, 6, 5, 5, 3, 6 months, and Karen is due in two weeks with their third child. It was a fun time and the kids all had such a blast playing together. Here are a few pictures.

Jennifer and Mackenzie playing cards.

Chloe, Samuel, and Mackenzie
Joey and Mason
Somebody's well-laid out plate. :)
and more eating.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

We have FINALLY closed on our house in Nebraska! Yea! We started this process back in June and are just now making our first house payment. I won't go into detail about the process but I will say that Bob completely enjoyed filling out the Wells Fargo survey!
Anyway, we have renters and everything is going smooth. It's actually hard to believe that we own a house that we won't be living in for two more years. I can't wait to decorate and pick out some new furniture, but I'm holding back and not planning too much yet. :)
The kitchen is one of my favorite parts and of course we can't wait for the double sinks in the master bathroom. Our bathroom right now is VERY tiny.
Anyway, we feel blessed to have gotten this house for such a great deal. We look forward to the holidays where we can invite everyone over to our house and play "red-neck" games in the backyard! :)
Other than that we don't have too much going on. Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

So here's a funny story for your week....
Kenzie and I were at the store last night and saw a display of cabbage patch dolls. Now being a child of the 80s, I think they are adorable. But, Kenzie right away said, "I am not getting one of those!". I said, "Oh, why not they're so cute!" She proceeded to tell me, "Mom, I saw this commercial where this girl got one for her birthday and it grew and grew up until it could drive a car."
It took me a while to realize she was talking about the Geico commercial. I laughed so hard. I guess I can understand now why she feels that way. As we walked back past them she said, "They really freak me out!"
Anyway, if you haven't seen the video it's below. Enjoy!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Happy November, everyone! I don't have any halloween pictures because we were in such a rush that day I completely forgot the camera. After school we had swim lessons and even though it was pouring rain and halloween, we went to lessons anyway. They don't cancel for rain.

Anyway, we went straight back to school for "Hallelujah Night" where I ran a game booth and Bob took the kids around playing games and winning candy. Our church uses the entire parking lot and has at least 25-30 game booths set up. It POURED rain off and on all night. When the downpours came we would stop the game and invite people to come under our tent. I was amazed that tons of people still came even in the rain. Bob took the kids home about 7:45 and I stayed until it was over at 9:00pm. Boy was I exhausted the next day!

Ok, the pics have nothing to do with any of that! James and Kelly's blog reminded me to update you on Mason's progress with his "crib" in his mouth. About 5 weeks ago we went to the orthodontist and Mason got two appliances put in. One is to stop his thumbsucking habit and the other is to actually widen his palatte so that his permanent teeth will grow in more straight. He will probably still need braces later but this should make it easier to correct.

He has not sucked his thumb since he got tha thing put in. It's amazing! Over the past few years we have tried every trick in the book and even made up a few of our own and were always unsuccessful, but this thing has done it! I am so proud of him! Even though his habit is probably gone the orthodontist said we'll probably keep it on for a few months just to be sure he doesn't start up again. Considering how much the thing cost I want to get as much use out of it as possible!

We go back for a check-up on Thursday so I'll keep you posted.
By the way James and Kelly, don't worry MOST kids stop before they start preschool or kindergarten! :)