The Stanley Ohana

Ohana means family...and family means nobody gets left behind.. or forgotten." -Lilo and Stitch

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Here are a few pictures from Mackenzie's party Saturday. We have a community center near our house where we had the party. It worked out great! We had 17 kids counting the two babies and one toddler not in the picture. It was a "puppy" party of course as Kenzie is obsessed with dogs! We kept it pretty simple with hot dogs for lunch, cake and ice-cream, and games. Bob is so awesome at organizing and running games at parties! We played "Doggie, doggie where's your bone?", "Dog trainer says", and the old favorite, red light, green light.
You can probably guess who sent Kenzie the beautiful dress for her birthday. Thanks Uncle James, Aunt Kelly, and Maggie. She wore the dress all night! :)
We're taking cupcakes to preschool tommorrow. (I mean pre-K. Mackenzie corrected me on that the other day. She's not in preschool anymore, but Pre-K!)
Have a great week, everyone!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Good News and Bad News!

Yes, I'm finally posting again. I've been such a slacker!

Today was a special day for the Stanley children in that they finally got a real pet. Last weekend our school had a silent auction. We bid on a real, live bunny but got outbid by one of my students from last year. Well, when I told one of Mackenzie's preschool teachers that we didn't win, she said she knew someone from church who wanted to find a nice home for their bunny that they have had for 2 years now. So, today we went and picked it up cage, food and everything free of charge. Here are some pics of our new addition, Brownie Flower Sparkle (that's apparently what the kids came up with for her "full name" but we call her Brownie).

That's the good news, kids are happy, bunny seems happy, and mom's happy because it doesn't bark and the cage is on the screened in porch instead of inside. The bad news is that I think Bob is allergic to the bunny! We played with her in the kitchen after dinner and he picked her up and kind of held her on his shoulder. The next thing we knew he was sneezing and his eyes are all swollen up. (I wanted to take a picture but he wouldn't let me.)

So, hopefully if we're careful and only play with her in the porch and Bob doesn't touch her we can keep her. If not, we'll have two very disappointed kids! :(

Tomorrow starts another week so I better get to bed. Have a great week everyone!