The Stanley Ohana

Ohana means family...and family means nobody gets left behind.. or forgotten." -Lilo and Stitch

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Aloha Hawaii..

I sat down tonight intending to post some of the pictures that we've taken the past couple of weeks but I realized that all of our pictures are on the iMac and not on this laptop. Oh well, I guess I'll have to catch up with those later. (My dad's facebook page has some of the pictures)

So, I guess instead I'll use this post to reflect and try to put into words the feelings that I have right now. I guess bittersweet is a pretty good word to describe leaving Hawaii. This has been home for 5 1/2 years. We've only been a family of 4 for 6 1/2 years, so really we have spent our entire "life as a family" on this Island. I think it is appropriate that our blog is called "The Stanley Ohana" because the majority of our family memories have a Hawaii connection. Lately a couple of different friends who used to live here but have moved away have told us that Hawaii never leaves you. I 'm beginning to understand how true that is! We know that Nebraska is where God is leading us and we are excited to start this next chapter in our lives. But, please forgive us if the excitement isn't evident in our faces right away. :) We are saying goodbye to wonderful friends and a beautiful place where we have all experienced God in amazing ways. Hopefully we'll be able to come back here at some point, ideally in the winter! :)

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." -Annie (The movie)

Aloha, Hawaii! We'll miss you! :)