The Stanley Ohana

Ohana means family...and family means nobody gets left behind.. or forgotten." -Lilo and Stitch

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ants, Uncle Ben and the Tooth Fairy

Wow!! I can't believe it's been almost 3 weeks since I've posted. Sorry guys! It seems like I have just been so busy with school back in session. I have promised myself to do a better job of keeping up with grading papers, which I am. I guess that's why I haven't been posting. Somethings gotta give, right?!
Anyway, let me explain my title. We are having an ant issue beyond what even seems imaginable. Every once in a while we'll get an ant trail, spray it and then be done with it. They are a nuisance but not too big of an issue. Well, its gotten out of control. We now have 4-5 different places in the house that are "ant problem areas". The wierd thing is that only one is near food. We have them in the master bath medicine cabinet of all places and near my dresser. My neighbor told me she had a problem with them in her bathroom a week or so ago and she bombed it. Well, I'm beginning to think that is why we are having such a problem. (Our units are connected to each other) When Bob called on his way home tonight I told him that I was packing to move out! :) I'm in the process of playing phone tag with our "community manager" but based on previous experience and word of mouth I don't think they will send someone out to spray. I think we are going to hire a monthly service or something. I just can't live like this! Our houses are so old that they will be torn down within the next year to year and a half. I wish it was sooner! I guess that's the payoff for living in a tropical climate. :)
On to a better subject. We started swimming lessons yesterday. (I forgot to take my camera!) The kids both did great. Their classes are small, Mackenzie's had 3 kids (5 if you count the two that were too scared to get into the water) and Mason's class also had just 3 kids. Their max is 5, which I really like. We go every Wed. after school. Kenzie's teacher is Uncle Ben. Everyone is Auntie or Uncle here in Hawaii. Anyway, she talked about Uncle Ben all the way home and the rest of the night. I'm so happy that she likes her teacher and was so willing to participate her first lesson.
And, lastly as you can see from the picture Mason lost his front tooth this weekend. It's so cute to hear him read now because he has that little lisp. :) He was excited that the tooth fairy brought 3 shiny quarters!
Well, I think I've caught you up on all that's going on here. I'll make sure it's not another 3 weeks before my next post. :)

Monday, January 01, 2007


Happy New Year to everyone!! We had a fun weekend after a pretty laid back week after Christmas. Friday night we had a Christmas party with my women's group from church. We had trouble scheduling it before Christmas because everyone was so busy. It was a lot of fun. We had potluck and the kids made gingerbread houses.
Saturday evening we went to the North Shore to watch the sunset. It was a great night! We picked up a pizza and took it to Waimea Bay. For those of you have been to see us, we took you there to watch the sunset and maybe surfers depending on what time of the year you came.
I have to admit I was having a "stressful" day trying to clean the house and feeling like I can never keep up, but sometimes taking time out and enjoying the outdoors and each other helps. (It doesn't make the mess go away but somehow it gives me more peace and more perspective!)
Sunday evening was our most uneventful night. :) We spent the night at home watching movies and playing. We were even all awake at midnight!
Anyway, I hope that 2007 is a great year for all of you!