The Stanley Ohana

Ohana means family...and family means nobody gets left behind.. or forgotten." -Lilo and Stitch

Thursday, June 12, 2008

We're so spoiled!

Today it is pouring rain (I should have never made that comment on Sarah's blog about not sending the bad weather this way!) and I am realizing how spoiled we are. We can literally send the kids outside to play almost 365 days per year, so when it does rain during summer vacation and they are stuck inside its pretty tough. How is it that kids can watch TV and play video games for hours on a sunny day, but when its raining they're in the mood to play and be wild? 
 I'm not going to complain though, we are so blessed and our hearts go out to everyone affected by flooding and tornados. 
So far our summer vacation is going well. We started swimming lesson M,W,F mornings and we're doing an hour of "homeschooling" on T, TH. Both kids need to work on their handwriting and keep their math skills sharp. 
Also, I talked to our housing manager 2-3 weeks ago and he said that we will be moving into a new house mid-June. Well, its June 12 and I having been waiting for a phone call for 2-3 weeks now. I've started packing up a few things that we don't use on a daily basis and have gotten rid of a lot of toys and clothes but I'm kind of at a stand still now. I can't really pack up the plates and silverware, unless we eat out until moving day. (Hmm, no cooking. Not a bad idea!)  So, I'll let you know when I hear something.  We're moving ourselves in hopes of making a little cash. We've heard that when you move yourself back to the mainland from here you can make a pretty nice chuck of change so this will be our practice. We'll see if we can handle it. :) 


  • At 9:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    homeschooling?!? oh mason and kenzie i am on the next flight out to save your summer! poor kids!

  • At 4:15 PM , Blogger Amy said...

    I knew somebody would make a comment about the homeschooling. Katie, you are more than welcome to fly out here! :)

  • At 6:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    You go teacher...keep your skills up too! Is it easier to teach 24 in a classroom or 2 at home!?! I'm betting on the 24 at school! Have fun moving.

  • At 4:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I can certainly understand how you feel about the rain vs sunny day thing. I'll take mine into the backyard, and they want to come inside. If we're inside, they cannot keep from begging to go outside. I know our parents are having a good laugh. There's no way we could have been that way!


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